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Skills USA


Eastern Region Carpentry Competition

The Inland Northwest AGC is pleased to partner with SkillsUSA to host the Eastern Region Carpentry Competition, bringing together students from without the region to showcase their construction skills. We have been honored to host since 2022 and are excited to partner with our members, local schools and the SkillsUSA organization to highlight the talented students we have throughout our region!

Here's how it works!

In the fall, we host our SkillsUSA Preview, which CTE students can attend to try out a low-stakes version of the competition and see what skills they'll want to practice in the following months.

In January, its competition time! The Eastern Region Carpentry Competition is a full-day event, consisting of a written knowledge test, a hands-on skills assessment, and a mock job interview with real construction industry professionals.

Competition winners may get the opportunity to progress to the next level and represent our region at the SkillsUSA State Competition!

Past Winners

teens getting power tools
teens getting power tools

Chelsea Barton

Workforce Development & Membership Director


Eastern Region Carpentry Competition:

January 12, 2024

Competition Photos

group photo
working with hands
man with hammer and nails
woman hammering nails into wood
wood work
man building a frame
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